Beyond Words Publishing

Quest: Happy, Wealthy & Wise

Today’s most influential thinkers, inspiring teachers and visionaries present powerful insights to achieving authentic success, which has become the defining spiritual quest of our time. Quest: Happy, Wealthy & Wise is a journey of strength, hope, and faith. A companion DVD to Quest for Success, this is a step-by-step daily  guide to the spiritual power secrets that will help you achieve happiness and extraordinary success. The steps—or tools and techniques—covered include elaboration on The Work by Byron Katie and the releasing method taught by Hale Dwoskin instructor of The Sedona Method. They address how to deal with negativity, attend to your state of mind, build your "house of happiness", take care of the mind, body and soul, as explained by Marci Shimoff, author Happy for No Reason and how to  achieve financial freedom, with powerful insights from T. Harv Eker and Sir John Templeton.  

Published: January 1, 1970
Producer: Lili Fournier
ISBN: 978-1-89685-333-8