Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.

Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All

Find out the power of forgiveness—what it can do for you, right now. This handsome little book is unique in that it is about practical spirituality and is written in very simple, down-to-earth, easy-to-understand language. Forgiveness explains to readers why many find it so difficult to forgive and why they should forgive. The toxic, negative side effects of being unforgiving and the havoc it can play on the body is on one side of the coin; the physical and spiritual benefits of forgiving is the other. Readers of this book learn tips on how to choose the forgiving side.

AUDIOBOOK ISBN: 978-1-59111-201-3

Runtime: 120 minutes

Audiobook Producer: Michael Viner
Audiobook Features: Gerald Jampolsky and Neale Donald Walsh