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Finally some good news for people who want to Lose Weight Fast: you can with Inna Segal’s new CD. After great success with assisting personal clients and participants in her workshops to achieve the weight they desire, Inna has incorporate the most powerful processes into a sensational new CD. The processes on this CD will assist you to lose weight, maintain healthy and supportive eating habits, be motivated and exercise, while appreciating and enjoying your body. You can lose weight and keep it off. As you engage your Divine Healing Intelligence, you will change your thoughts, feelings and reactions and your body will transform. You will become healthier, happier, stronger, slimmer and lighter.
Featuring: Inna Segal
ISBN: 978-1-58270-297-1
UPC: 7-24868-08977-4
Type: Audio CD
Category: Health & Wellness, Spiritual Lifestyles
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