Luke Reynolds

Even More Fantastic Failures

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Even More Fantastic Failures: True Stories of People Who Changed the World by Falling Down First

Your version and your vision of success may look like failure to many in the world. But what's wildly popular can sometimes lead you away from who you truly are, rather than toward your authentic self." There is a lot of pressure in today’s society for kids to succeed, but failing is a part of learning how to be a successful person. In his teaching career, Luke Reynolds saw the stress and anxiety his students suffered, whether it was over grades, fitting in, or simply getting things right the first time.Even More Fantastic Failures is a second installment in Reynolds's personal campaign to show kids it's ok to fall down or make mistakes, just so long as you try, try again!

Even More Fantastic Failures once again shows students that their mistakes and failures do not define their whole lives but help them grow into their potential. Kids will read about a host of inspiring, courageous, and diverse people who have accomplished—or still are accomplishing—big things to make this world a better place. Reynolds explores the many ways well-known people have failed both before and after succeeding, and kids will come to understand that failure is a large component of success. A wide-range of stories from Greta Thunberg, Barack Obama, Nick Foles, Emma Gonzalez, Beyoncé, Ryan Coogler, John Cena, Socrates, and even the Jamaican national women's soccer team, prove that the greatest mistakes and flops can turn into something amazing. Intermixed throughout the fun profiles, Reynolds spotlights great inventions and scientific discoveries, powerful events, and the people who started them in both sidebars and Flop Files. A new feature called "Off the Page and On the Screen" showcases failures and success in the stories presented in literature and film. Reynolds's engaging, youthful voice pulls kids into each anecdote much in the same way best-sellingGirls Who Rocked the World andBoys Who Rocked the World do, making the teaching moments feel more like a friend just retelling a story. And again each profile is followed up with advice on how to come back from your own flops and move forward to succeed.


ISBN: 9781582707334

eBook ISBN: 9781534464896

Trim Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4

Page Count: 304