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The Afterlife Awareness Conference
For the first time ever, you can experience The Afterlife Conference from the comfort of your home, anywhere in the world, all in beautiful HD.
Aya Despacho: Shamanic Sacred Grieving Ceremony Kitty Edwards has studied shamanism with indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia, North and South America. She is a graduate of the Master's Program of the Healing the Light Body School of The Four Winds Society, and is certified by The Institute of Energy Medicine.
Keynote with Raymond Moody
This will be Dr. Raymond Moody's third year with us, and we are delighted and grateful for the opportunity to bring him to the west coast. For those who don't know, In 1975, Dr. Raymond Moody's best-selling book Life After Life focused public attention on the near-death experience like never before, and it was Moody who actually coined the term "near-death experience."
Home Funerals and Death Midwifery Rev.
Olivia Bareham, founder of Sacred Crossings - The Institute for Conscious Dying and Family-directed Funerals is a certified death midwife and home funeral guide. Her presentation will outline the legal, practical and spiritual aspects of allowing loved ones to die -- and to be ritually honored for three days after death --at home.
Keynote with Eben Alexander
Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, MD has become world-famous for his best-selling book, Proof of Heaven, which chronicles his journey from skeptic to spiritualist as the result of his own near-death experience. In the words of afterlife researcher Bill Guggenheim, "If Central Casting was given an assignment to locate the most highly qualified person to have a near-death experience and teach about it, no one could find a more perfect candidate than neurosurgeon Eben Alexander."
Shamanic Journeying
Linda Fitch is a practicing shaman who has studied with the Inka of Peru for the past sixteen years. She has trained hundreds of students in shamanic healing techniques, with a special emphasis on conscious dying. She is the former CEO of the Four Winds Society, Dean of the Light Body School and developer of the Dying Consciously Teacher Training program.
The Other Side of Suicide
Steffany Barton, RN is a psychic medium who communicates with the Angelic realm and connects with those who have crossed into Spirit. She will be presenting a talk on "The Other Side of Suicide" that will be extraordinarily healing for those struggling with grief, sadness or guilt related to the suicide of a loved one.
Life And Death in the ER: How to Teach Conscious Dying in Clinical Settings Panel Discussion
Rev. Terri Daniel is a certified transition guide, author, channeler and interfaith minister who offers a unique perspective on birth, death and beyond. Her unique form of "radical mysticism" breaks down limiting beliefs about forgiveness, divine judgment and negative experience, and replaces them with an empowering vision of a co-created universe where there are no victims or perpetrators, only souls seeking expansion and awareness. Gene Lovelace, MD, is a chaplain at Alive Hospice in Nashville, TN, and an adjunct professor at the Belmont University School of Religion. He is a guest lecturer on spiritual care, death, and dying at universities and medical centers, and was recently interviewed by the CBS affiliate WTVF on afterlife awareness for the Fall 2013 series "Issues of Faith".
Dr. Gary Schwartz Presentation
Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D, is Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Surgery at the University of Arizona. He is the Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. He is noted worldwide for his academic research on mediumship, and we are honored that Gary has agreed to demonstrate his research technique with Suzane Northrop as part of his presentation.
Medium testing demonstration and gallery-style audience readings
Suzane Northrop's mind-boggling, gallery-style audience readings have earned her the title of our official "house medium" for our last three conferences. Suzane was one of the mediums who participated in The Afterlife Experiments conducted by Dr. Gary Schwartz, and she continues to reach grateful audiences via her radio show on the Blog Talk Radio Network. Noted TV medium John Edward says this about Suzane: "To say that she is a gifted medium undervalues who she is. She touches and unites souls between the physical and the non-physical with clarity, compassion, humor and tenacity."
Galley-style audience mediumship readings
Hollister Rand is a clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient medium. Her messages on SiriusXM's "The Seance" with John Edward, "Coast to Coast" with George Noory, KOST FM's "Angels in Waiting," KBIG FM's "Radio Medium" and numerous other programs have touched the lives of thousands of people. Hollister's book I'm Not Dead, I'm Different was released by HarperCollins in April 2011.
Closing Shamanic Ceremony
Type: Video on Demand
Category: Afterlife, New Science, Spiritual Lifestyles, Spiritual Science
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