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An insightful and practical guide through this fast changing world. This book introduces and develops concepts like Magic, Manifestation, Energy, Multidimensionality, Sacred Geometry, and the Law of Attraction to uncover your inherent magical powers and to help you understand the patterns that create the outcomes and constructs of your life.
What is Modern Merlin about?
I am sure that you have noticed one way or another how fast the world is changing. And how deeply these changes are impacting your life. Collectively we are desperate for the light, for inspiration, hope, and vision, for something to look forward to, things to be excited about, and ways to create a better path going forward.
I wrote this book to support a new paradigm and belief system as it emerges to activate the shift in consciousness that is needed to thrive in these new times. When I say “new times,” I am referring to the fact that we have arrived at a time in evolution where nothing seems to work the way it did before. Almost all the things that we counted on to give us a sense of stability and security no longer provide that. Whether we look at our educational system, health care, political arena, banking and financial systems, and even our spiritual institutions … none of them can live up to the role of being the fundamental pillars that our society has leaned on for so long. Even science has evolved to a point where it is increasingly introducing an expanded paradigm of how our reality is formed. We are invited to expand our horizons beyond what we know and boldly go where we have not gone before as a collective humanity.
It is time we re-address the foundations of what we believe creates our reality and the harmony in our lives.
You and I are going to explore old concepts and redefine them, we will open ourselves to new concepts and boldly embrace them, and we will see how all of it fits together. We’re going to look not only at what we believe about ourselves and our world, but also at how it all works together in a way that allows us to create a life that we are excited about.
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