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3 min read
How could this have happened? Society programmed the kingdom of joy out of you by programming into you a set of false beliefs that superimpose illusion over Reality. It’s tantamount to being hypnotized to see what is not there, and not see what is there. This book offers a return to what people everywhere are searching for and rarely find. Namely, the fountainhead of peace and joy that hides in every human heart waiting to be rediscovered.
Some people fear that the dropping of attachment means renouncing the material world. No. One uses the material world; one enjoys the material world, but one does not make one’s happiness depend on the material world. The irony is, when you are detached from the material world as you pursue success and cultivate relationships, you actually enjoy the process more than when you believe self-worth, inner peace, and happiness depend on the outcomes of an unpredictable and mercurial world.
The profound realization available in A Year with Anthony De Mello is summed up in the words of Meister Eckhart. He said, “God is not attained by a process of addition to anything in the soul, but by a process of subtraction.” You don’t have to add anything in order to be happy; you’ve got to drop attachments. You don’t do anything to liberate yourself; you drop illusions. Then you’re free… So, you can stop wasting your energy changing your looks, your lifestyle, your personality. You can stop moving from one lover to another, one job to another, one place to another. Deep down you know you could change every one of these things and still be unhappy.
The kingdom of joy is attained by waking up to what is there already. How? By cultivating awareness. Give time to being aware in the way Anthony De Mello describes in this book and you will see a difference in a matter of weeks. You will come home to yourself. The quality of your everyday experience will change. You will see things you’ve never seen before. Beautiful things. You will be much more alive. You will be yourself, relaxed, free of tension and the fear of failing.
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3 min read
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