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A new time is upon us! Whoo-hoo!! If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve certainly noticed the volatility, dramatic ups and downs, sudden breakthroughs and life changes, and the widening gap between fear-based people and compassion-based people. Large segments of society are progressing steadily into chaos as old systems and ways of thinking fail to produce results. At the same time, other segments are progressing toward spiritual and mental clarity, innovative solutions to societal problems, and greater peace and abundance. It’s an amazing drama to watch and participate in.

These symptoms are the early signs of a sweeping change that is transforming us into a new kind of human being, living in a new world, with new rules. We are just now realizing that the changes afoot are different than documented historical changes; we are participating in a profound process that has never been experienced en masse on earth. We are experiencing the acceleration, or increased vibration, of individual and planetary consciousness—and this is giving rise to a new reality that will eclipse the pain, suffering, and density we have always accepted as normal. This is transformation.

I want us to be able to navigate this transformation process smoothly so we can come out the other side all wide-eyed and bushytailed, with a big grin on our faces! Then we can cocreate something truly amazing together on this lovely planet. This chapter summarizes the process of acceleration and transformation so you can recognize it in yourself, others, and society and not be disoriented or stalled by it. By understanding the overall transformation process, you can move through it and be a “thought leader” and role model for others. Then you can develop the new attention skills that will bring success in the new reality.

We’ll start by examining the beginnings of the transformation process, then look at what we’re transforming into. After that, we’ll explore what happens in the process itself and how to navigate the various changes involved with the least amount of confusion and negativity. The points I mention in this overview will be fleshed out in depth in subsequent chapters.

Life Is Accelerating and So Are You

Transformation begins with an acceleration process; the vibration of the earth, and of our bodies, has been steadily increasing for many years. We’re not sure why this is occurring—perhaps it’s a cosmic source of high-vibrational energy that’s flowing through our solar system—but it is measurable; the vibration of the earth itself, called the Schumann Resonance, has been increasing. When the frequency of matter increases, so does our ability to access a matching vibration of consciousness. Our minds expand. Life itself speeds up.

Barbara Hand Clow, in her enlightening book Awakening the Planetary Mind, describes a phenomenon predicted in the Mayan calendar concerning “time acceleration”—a function of the earth’s increasing frequency. The Mayan calendar delineates cycles of time covering more than 16.4 billion years, divided into nine periods called “underworlds.” The length of each underworld, or period of development, is twenty times shorter than the previous one, with the completion date for all nine occurring at the end of 2011. That means time on earth has accelerated twenty times faster in nine different increments, and the last was just one year in length. Obviously, we’re now living in an extremely accelerated period.

The Mayans understood the increasing frequency of the planet. What’s interesting is that the dates of these underworlds relate closely to the earth’s biological and evolutionary cycles, which science has just recently documented. Now that the vibration of the planet is moving so fast, everything seems to be happening in the present moment. With that speed comes emotional intensity. Things we haven’t wanted to deal with—our fears—can no longer be denied, postponed, or kept in the past; they’re immediate and in our face. Hand Clow says, “The Ninth Underworld during 2011 rips open the full vibrational response to nature, so our unresolved inner traumas are arising like great monsters in our hearts and minds.”

For years, you and I (and other energetically sensitive people) have intuitively experienced this acceleration as it increased the subtle frequency of our bodies. While on the surface it may have worried you, deep down you probably suspected you were preparing for something exciting and good—a shift in consciousness toward enlightenment, a new reality that might resemble heaven on earth. You probably sensed it wouldn’t come without consistent work on clearing yourself of the unresolved inner traumas Hand Clow mentions, and certainly not without some upheaval in the world. It may seem odd, but I’d bet most of us have been secretly looking forward to it.

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