Meet portrait and fine artist Marie Antoinette Kelley!

3 min read

Hi! I am Marie Antoinette Kelley, the artist of the Angel Quest Oracle card deck. I hope you’ll have a chance to experience how the angels use these cards to work magic into your own life.

 They’ve certainly done so with mine.

I can still remember the phone call that started this project. It was on a Sunday morning, early. Because of the time difference with Karen, I was still in bed. Sometime during that night, Karen had received an inspiration from the angels to create an angel oracle card deck, and her intuition told her I had to be the artist on her team. So, she was excitedly calling me to see if I would be in. I was tickled with the invitation. Of course, I was in! I had already been collecting ideas and sample cards of my own for several months for an inspiration deck but didn't know where to take it from there. Obviously, the angels had been paying attention to us both. They had no trouble reaching each of us, even though we were 2,000 miles apart and not really in touch, and getting us together on one team. 

Right away, we brainstormed for the sample cards we could submit to an agent. We were both relieved and excited that our vision for this deck was almost one and the same. Karen and I have a very similar way of relating and listening to our guidance and to the angels, so it felt good to design the content of the deck together. When the agent accepted our submission and provided us with a list of possible publishers, we intuitively gravitated to the same one, Beyond Words Publishing. It’s not that the others didn’t sound right, there was just this feeling… there was magic in the possibility of working with Beyond Words. Well, lo and behold, when the replies came back from the publishers, it was Beyond Words who immediately reached out and connected with us! Once again, those powerful angels had been working things out behind the scenes to connect us with a team that would be most successful for all of us.

This is how it went throughout the whole process of creating the deck. The relationship with the angels was alive in all of it, mostly through the inspirations and the visualizations I received for the 45 original oil paintings that I needed to create to fill the deck. But they were also present to help me with challenging feelings, especially when I would feel overwhelmed or stressed. I remember one time when I was flagging in my confidence, and I called Karen. She immediately connected with the angels and received a personal message for both of us. It was so appropriate and encouraging, it really fueled my confidence. Fittingly, that message has become the entry for the card representing Confidence in our deck. I was able to tap that renewed feeling of confidence and channel it into a beautiful painting of Archangel Zadkiel who is inviting us all to step up our game.

Overall, the message and intuitive feel of this collection is derived directly from our personal interactions and direct experience of working with the Other Side. I’m happy to share some more moments with you in the future, if you'd like to check back here for more.

Until next time!


With lots of love,

Marie Antoinette Kelley, illustrator of the Angel Quest Oracle card deck

Learn more about Marie Antoinette by visiting:

Learn more about the card deck by visiting:

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