4 min read

The last few months have slipped by like clouds dissolving; the months are accelerating and feel like weeks. With each acceleration, an intensification. We become aware that something is happening below the surface in our bodies, emotions, and minds—something not easily seen and identified. Perhaps it’s an increasing frequency rate of the oscillation of particles (form) into waves (energy/consciousness) and back again. Whatever the cause, it means we are adapting our inner pathways, recircuiting ourselves to access and transmit more energy and information, more rapidly, and to be able to materialize ideas more instantaneously.

Actually, this is a natural process and shouldn’t be uncomfortable at all. But when there are impurities (fears or misperceptions of truth) in a circuit, there are sure to be little explosions and implosions as what’s in the way burns off in the high-level energy flow. So, we experience discomfort, depending on how much “clutter” we still hold. If you’re becoming transparent, with no resistance to letting go, the process is easier.

What is clutter? It might be beliefs you hold about who you are, what’s possible, how reality works, or how to experience love. It might be a habit of self-sacrifice, denial, or victimhood. It might be old vows you unconsciously made that keep you locked into a pattern of outdated loyalty or paying your dues before you can have what you want. There are so many “yes, buts” and ways to block energy and awareness! I’m noticing that huge numbers of us are now becoming blindingly aware of: BEING STUCK!

Moving into a brand new reality, and fast!

Lots of us sense that we’re passing from one reality into a brand new one, and the rules of how life functions are so different between what’s behind us and what’s ahead of us. Part of the challenge now is that we’re not totally conscious of what the “old” reality is, and what the “new” reality feels like. Yet once we get a whiff of how great the new reality is, we don’t want to go back—ever! I’m convinced that most people won’t step through the doorway until they feel safe, until they know what they’re stepping into. First we must identify the “old” reality so we can consciously decide we don’t want life to function that way.

The old reality is based on us being separate from each other, life, our soul, the planet, and the Divine. In this worldview, it takes willpower and control to survive and a long time to make positive change. We can never quite have what we want, and we never feel loved enough. Emotional dysfunction is normal, and self-sacrifice is noble.

In the new reality, we’re interconnected via the unified field of consciousness and energy. Nothing is outside you. Cooperation, cocreation, and mutual support are the norm, and life occurs entirely in the present moment. Ideas can materialize instantaneously. All knowledge is available, there is no lack. Love truly is all there is. But we understand “love” in a hugely expanded way, as the basis for science as well as spirituality.

As we become conscious that we want to make this shift, our left brain with its ego-function realizes there’s going to be a loss in functionality of the familiar cause-and-effect reality—where ego and willpower no longer work—and it goes into hyperdrive to preserve its isolated, “holier-than-thou” way of dealing with the world. It generates endless reasons why new options won’t work and throws out nets of limiting thoughts. This can make us doubt ourselves and the compassionate process of evolution, and we can wallow in feeling miserable. We can be afraid to let go of what isn’t working, and as long as we hang on to what’s dysfunctional, our imagination can’t bring the great new options and ideas.

What’s needed now to step through the doorway is:

  • a daily habit of centering in the moment, then engaging with the world around you, loving what has been created, and seeing the consciousness and love inside everything.
  • new criteria for making decisions: not “Does this keep me safe, credible, and in agreement with others?” but “Does this allow my soul, or home frequency, to radiate and infuse everything in my reality? Does this allow me to experience deep pleasure?”
  • a priority on finding others who match your increasing vibration, a peer group or soul group that validates who you’re becoming so that you can grow faster.
  • courage to release what doesn’t match you and faith in the phenomenal creative power of your soul and all souls to move you forward.
  • discipline about your self-talk: Stop negative and limiting declarative statements totally! Reverse them to the opposite statement.

You’re on your way through that transition; just trust the process and be open enough to see your own misperceptions and admit there’s a better way. When you’re quiet you already sense what’s coming!


Penney Peirce is an internationally-recognized pioneer in the field of intuition development who has traveled around the world as a trainer and coach to business executives, government leaders, scientists, psychologists, and those on a spiritual path. Penney has been affiliated with The Center for Applied Intuition, The Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution, The Intuition Network, the San Francisco Learning Café (training for entrepreneurs), The Kaiser Institute (training for hospital CEO’s, health care consultants, and philanthropists), and The Arlington Institute (futurists). She has worked with shamans, led spiritual tours to Peru, Egypt, Mt. Fuji, and the American Southwest, and has been a TV talk show host. 


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