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6 min read
Enjoy this four-part series from Rhonda Byrne as you set your intentions for the year ahead. This series will apply to the time around the New Year or to any point in your year when you are looking to create a fresh start. Start now to create the most wonderful year ahead.
As we launch into a new year, I want to help you prepare so that you can truly make it the best year of your life. In this article I will share some incredibly simple but powerful insights and practices that will keep you on track to creating the most wonderful year of your life!
Many of us can get caught in the trap of welcoming the year ahead with open arms while at the same time discarding the passing year with negative thoughts and feelings. We may have faced difficulties during the year, or endured some tough times, and in the end the year didn’t pan out the way we wanted it to. But the problem with being negative about the passing year is that we’re sending that negative energy into the upcoming year! We are unintentionally sabotaging the year ahead before we’ve even put one foot into it.
We must be grateful for the year that has passed for the year ahead to be great! Even if you had a particularly challenging year, there is still so much magnificence to be grateful for. You are here reading this, aren’t you?
So together let’s create the best possible start to the year ahead by writing down TEN things that you’re truly grateful for about last year! The more you feel your gratitude, the more sincere you are, the more positive energy you harness and send into the new year.
Remember to maintain your gratitude for the passing year, no matter what anyone else indulges in, and you will be stepping into the New Year ahead of the game.
To make sure I begin the New Year with as much powerful energy as I can manifest, I watch The Secret documentary film every New Year’s Day (or as early in the year as I can). It’s impossible to watch it without being inspired, uplifted, excited, and reminded of our invincible power. As a result of watching The Secret documentary, you’ll be left sitting on a super high frequency, where the manifestation of your intentions has atomic power! It is the bestenergy to start a New Year with!
(Once again, if you are reading this and New Year’s Day is still several months away, don’t worry because you can set your intentions for the year ahead at any time. You might choose to watch The Secret documentary on a day that’s special to you… your birthday, or your wedding anniversary, for example, and then set your intentions immediately afterward. Or you might simply choose to watch the film today and start your year of manifesting straight away.)
Did you know that you are actually manifesting your intentions all the time? Your life circumstances are your conscious and unconscious intentions manifested. So if our life isn’t going exactly the way we want it to, then without realizing it, we’ve been unconsciously intending circumstances we don’t want. Every thought is an intention, so it’s imperative that we begin the year ahead by intending our life consciously!
To harness the atomic power of intention, immediately after watching The Secret film, sit down and write out your TOP TEN intentions for this year. Imagine that you have a Genie and you’ve been granted ten wishes for the year ahead, and then make your list of what you want.
To have your best year ever, set a reminder at the beginning of each week (Monday morning or Sunday evening) and re-read your top ten list of intentions for this year, feeling the thrill of them as though they’ve manifested. Continue to do this at the beginning of each week until each one of your ten intentions has manifested!
Be aware, consciously intend, and you are using the power you’ve been endowed with.
There are likely to be some things in the upcoming year that will pull us down if we let our ego have its way. When something happens and we feel upset, it’s our ego’s reaction that’s making us feel upset rather than the actual thing that happened. So how do we override the ego and stay positive and feeling good with life’s challenges?
When you’re feeling upset about something, immediately reach for anything that will make you feel even a little bit better. You could put on your favorite song or piece of music, and let it sweep through every cell in your body – and immediately you’re feeling better. You could cuddle your pet, your child, or loved one, feeling deep love for them – and you’re feeling better. You could take a short walk and do gratitude steps, mentally saying “thank” and “you” with each step until you feel better. You could write a text to your best friend telling them how grateful you are that they’re in your life; you’re feeling better. If you have The Secret Manifestation Cards you could draw a card, and by the law of attraction that very card will give you exactly the message you need to feel better.
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3 min read
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