3 min read

Excerpt from The Soul Searcher's Handbook

by Emma Mildon

Crystals and gemstones have long intrigued humankind with their gorgeous glimmering colors in a variety of shapes and sizes. If the first time you saw a crystal you had the impulse to yell out “SHINY!” and run toward it with “gimme” hands, I totally get you because me too! We’re a bunch of curious, spiritual little magpies.

Throughout time, crystals and stones have been used as symbols of power by kings and queens, worn as jewelry, shown off in home ornamentation, praised in sacred ceremonies, held during prayer and meditation, and used for their healing properties in Reiki (a Japanese stress-reduction, healing, and relaxation practice), massage, and cleansing. Today it’s more common than ever to see boho fashion accessories of crystals and gemstones on rings and long necklaces. Come on—seriously, who doesn’t love sparkles?

But those pretty pebbles have more to give than simple sparkle. The first few gemstones I bought were clear quartz, rose quartz, and angelite. To be honest, I didn’t even know what they were for. I just thought they were pretty.

Again, when we go with what feels natural, what resonates with us when we listen to our souls, we will be drawn to the things we need most and the things that will help us most on our journey. It turned out that I needed the exact energies that those gemstones offer at that exact moment in my life—at the time, I was going through a string of turbulent relationships and was experiencing a lot of negativity in my life in general. I was also looking to get answers by learning about connecting with my guides. (We’ll be talking more about them in chapter 10.)

You can imagine my surprise when I began to research the three stones I’d spontaneously picked up and discovered their powers to aid with the healing of hearts, clearing negativity, and communicating with your angels. From that moment on, I never looked back where acting on instinct is concerned, and whenever I stumble across something that jumps out at me and practically yells “Hey, girl, pick me!” Ilisten. Because of the above experiences and the benefits I have received by working with crystals, I strongly recommend and firmly believe that every Soul Searcher should try working with them, or even just keep a handful of gemstones or crystals somewhere in their living spaces.

Often the first thing about a crystal or gemstone a Soul Searcher is drawn to is the color. If you looked in your wardrobe right now, what color would you see most of? What color do you always gravitate toward? Can you see certain styles and colors you wore more when you were going through hard or happy times? I’m not judging your goth phase, or your everything-is-awesome fluorescent phase, by the way. If I could send you a Snapchat of my wardrobe to make you feel better about yours, I would! Put it this way: you can see my spiritual evolution as my style shifted from brown, cold, and corporate to hipster, to hippie, full of noise and color.

Think about what your favorite color was as a child. When we are children, we tend to be more in tune with, connected to, and undistracted from our higher selves. Even that one color of crayon we constantly picked out (and maybe drew all over the walls with) can reflect who we were as a person and point to what our purpose in this lifetime is. Each color has a deeper meaning that can tell us something about ourselves.

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