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Many people feel as though they must switch identities when they move between their work life and home life. This often leaves people longing to lead a "seamless" life, one in which the separate parts of our personalities are united as a whole. The key to achieving this quality of life is authenticity, the ability to be yourself. Your Authentic Self explores the notion that when you are authentic with yourself, you can begin to extend that to your relationships with others and your work life, ultimately improving all aspects of your life. Your Authentic Self provides readers with practical advice on getting the most from their work experience, at the same time giving their absolute best to their work and their employers. By being ourselves in the context of our jobs, we gain access to hidden gifts, including creativity, intuition, and innovation, each of which benefits both the individual and the organization.
Your Authentic Self begins with the author's personal story of discovering the value in accessing his own unique brand of authenticity in the workplace. Supported by the author's experience in some of America's leading corporations, the book then explains how most of us come to understand that authenticity in the workplace is not a good idea. The author provides more than forty clearly explained and immediately usable tools and techniques for gaining access to your authenticity and how to hold onto it even in the context of the workplace. These principles, tools, and techniques are practical and they work! Most importantly, anyone reading this book can immediately begin incorporating these concepts in their lives, often experiencing instant positive results and making the shift from seeing work as "off the path of personal and spiritual growth" to seeing it as an integral part of the journey.
ISBN: 978-1-58270-075-5
Pages: 272
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Type: Book
Category: Inspiration & Self Improvement, Personal Growth, Spiritual Lifestyles
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