Beyond Words Publishing

Sacred Geometry of Relationships Bundle

Save 57% with our Sacred Geometry Bundle, combining our bestselling Sacred Geometry of Relationships and 22: The Light Codes DVD!

Only $34.94 $14.95 when you buy the bundle!
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LON, creator of the Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, follows up her bestselling deck with cards that delve into our ties to one another. Her new deck provides fresh perspectives about our connections to friends, family, colleagues, and especially our romantic partners.

 We are all made of sacred geometric structures, and these intricate webs hold us together. The deck’s 44 activations bring our deepest questions to light and show us how we are intertwined with our fellow human beings. This deck and the  Sacred Geometry Activations Oraclecan also be used in combination to help users gain deeper clarity on how our relationships bring meaning to our temporal and eternal lives. Includes 45 cards and 176 page guidebook.

22: The Light Codes is not just another movie—it is a remarkable visual and auditory journey like you’ve never experienced before.

An odyssey of 22 unique Sacred Geometrical codes and original music tuned to A=432 Hz, the harmonic intonation of nature, 22: The Light Codes is a meditation tool that anyone can use to bring healing and peace to their lives. We invite you to participate in this new paradigm that will activate your soul.