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Winner of the 2011 Conscious Life Film Festival Audience Award
Tapping the Source. Some say it's a movie—others call it a movement. What do you think? Does it speak to politics, religion, economics, business, art, philanthropic, health, science, social—or perhaps, does it encompasses them all? Whether Tapping the Source shifts your consciousness or remains an enigma is something only you can decide. In either case, a journey of joy and awareness awaits you—but beware, after tapping over one hundred leaders who've opened their hearts and minds for you, the journey could be life changing. Are you ready to join them? Could the true star of Tapping the Source be you? It's a discovery that's now within your reach and may amaze you.
Published: November 19, 2010
Director: William Gladstone, Richard Greninger, Gayle Newhouse
Producer: Waterside Productions
Starring: Mariel Hemingway, Monique Coleman, Shari Arison, Janet Attwood, Marci Shimoff, Neale Donald Walsch, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield
ISBN: 978-1-58270-319-0
UPC: 7-24868-03190-6
Runtime: 96 minutes
Type: DVD
Category: Consciousness, Inspiration & Self Improvement, Spiritual Lifestyles
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