3 min read

From artist and author Shannon Grissom


I’m so excited to share this magical Sock Monkey Oracle deck with you! 

This deck is colorful, whimsical, and infused with loving guidance.

There are 46 joyful cards and an accompanying guidebook. Every card will give you a loving message, a positive affirmation, and a symbolic frolic (playful suggestions for further reflection). TheSock Monkey Oracle is a family oracle card deck meant for folks of all ages. I love that you can share this joy with your children, parents, and grandparents. You can obtain quick guidance and be on your way or take time for further reflection. Both paths will make you smile as big as a sock monkey!

The Story Behind the Big Red Grin

Sock monkeys as an oracle?

Why not? 

Aren’t we all oracles?

Here’s the story behind the big red grin, from my perspective:

I discovered Mom’s sock monkey among her belongings after she passed. At the time, I was completely overwhelmed with grief and the sheer volume of things she left behind, so I tucked the well-worn monkey into an old cedar chest, and there it sat for many years.

One day, in response to a painting competition, I set up a still life with the intention of making it a tribute to my late mother. As I thought of items that would compose the still life, I remembered Mom’s sock monkey.

I smiled and decided it was the perfect symbol to embody Mom’s sweet soul. Every time I encountered her sock monkey, I felt radiant love.

Mom was also a brilliant musician with perfect pitch and a gifted special education teacher with a keen sense of humor. You’ll notice those elements as well throughout this entire body of work.

Something magical happened when I started to paint the first sock monkey painting. During each session, I felt I was channeling Mom’s love into the artwork. After I finished the first painting, I realized that there were many more paintings, and even more love, just waiting to emerge.

During the course of several years, over forty-six paintings emerged. The entire experience was such a beautiful way to transmute grief into joy. I love that this experience echoes Mom’s actual sock monkey. It’s a bit discolored, missing a pom-pom, and some limbs are hanging by a thread. It has seen a lot of life and is still smiling after all these years.

From the beginning, I had an oracle card deck in mind for each painting, but it would take many years before the words would come. The pandemic was the catalyst for finishing the deck. During the California lockdown, I had two one-woman shows hanging in galleries, yet few saw my work as the galleries closed soon after the work was hung. I felt that the forced closure of the galleries was a major course correction from the Universe.


I took a good hard look at my creative work to discern my next course of action, and I was immediately compelled to finish the deck. The text came tumbling out over the course of a month and the graphic design soon followed. The resulting body of work is an oracle card deck that is doubly infused with love, both from the artwork as well as the text. 

Feel The Nostalgia…Start Something Magical. 

I love that they make me smile, and I was touched to discover that they make other people smile too! No matter what card chooses you, the Sock Monkey Oracle will leave you with a big, warm hug and benevolent guidance. It is my wish that you feel the nostalgia and start something magical as you develop a happy relationship with these cards.

A Sock Monkey Metta Wish for You:

May you be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

May you be merry.

May you be at peace.




The Sock Monkey Oraclecard deck releases this April 19, 2022. Learn more at:https://beyondword.com/products/sock-monkey-oracle.



Thank you,

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