The Life Plan: Simple Strategies for Building Confidence in a Changing World

3 min read

By Executive Life and Health Coach Shannah Kennedy

Throughout my years of coaching, I have found that most of my clients share one commonality—they don’t need motivation. What they actually require and need is for things to be simplified, to get back to the basics, their foundations of who they are, dig themselves out of the clutter, master the basic life and wellness skills, and create new and fresh clarity, purpose, and direction in their daily lives to experience calm confidence and fulfilment in life.

My journey to being a master life strategist and coach was born through the experience of being an A-type, overachieving perfectionist, and it ultimately left me burnt out. I identified myself by my job and the title I had, which I loved in corporate sport sponsorship, working with elite athletes 7 days a week. I had no balance, no self-care and was addicted to achievement. This left me by the time I was 30 with chronic fatigue syndrome and then caused depression. It was a great wake-up call to stop and reevaluate the way I was living. I had basically burnt out my nervous system and paid the price for years. Although I am living a thriving life now, it took years to recover. I dug deep to ask myself the hard questions, to create a new life, to build a new mindset and new code of conduct, one that was more sustainable and one that gave me a feeling of fulfilment, not just achievement (which I realized was a short and hollow victory). I learned that money could not buy health.

In that time, 20 years ago, I studied life coaching in order to change not only my life but also to coach elite athletes into retirement as I saw the destruction they experienced post sporting career. I worked with coaches on my own plan, my own mindset, my own goals, my own plan B and plan C for life, and I started my business as a more holistic, high-achieving individual

After coaching Olympic athletes, business athletes, life athletes, elite athletes, etc., I decided to write The Life Plan.

This book shows readers a simple strategy and the tools I use to support life being bigger, better, more meaningful, and healthier—both personally and professionally. My approach is practical and authentic with the result being able to live an optimal, calm, and confident life through self-connection, self-management, self-leadership, and self-mastery.

The Life Plan  takes you on a journey through the chapters, titled “Reflect,” “Simplify,” “Take Control,” “Get Going,” “Thrive,” “Refuel,” and “Shine”—packed with every life and wellness skill needed to create your ultimate Life Plan. With this book, you’ll be able to plan in decades and months, think in years, and live mindfully each day with confidence in a changing world. Know who you are, where you are going, and not only how you will get there but how you will care for yourself in the process. Learning to focus on controlling the controllables in your life, keeping your eye on your own plate, creating a vision and fresh goals, and taking great action can give you an incredible life.

I live and breathe these skillsets each and every day, and my life is well beyond the dreams I had for myself. Deep, calm confidence with the ability to adapt and change instantly and reset and refresh myself have come from living my Life Plan. Married for 18 years to my best friend and adventure partner for life, my marriage to Michael has strengthened each year as I address all the components set out in The Life Plan. My children, now aged 18 and 16, teach me life every day though their lenses and keep me open to new ways of doing life, and my mental, physical, and emotional health thrive by my commitment to living an extraordinary life on my terms. My passion is to teach. It is my life’s calling through my books, workshops, courses, and coaching, and each day for me is an adventure.

So, what is your Life Plan?

If we fail to plan, we plan to fail. So, enjoy your extraordinary uniqueness and create your own roadmap by taking the journey with The Life Plan.

Shannah Kennedy

The Life Planreleases from Beyond Words Publishing on May 10, 2022. Learn more at:

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