Intuition—Your Inner Compass

2 min read

Excerpt from In Her Power

by Helene Lerner

Intuition is that inner knowledge we all possess. It is not based on logic, but on a deeper guidance. We can distinguish it from our whims or fears because a sense of calm arises when we access its guidance.

Before you can tap directly into your intuitive powers, you may need to remove some mental debris, such as superstitions, dogma, and prior conditioning. We’ve listened to others for so long that we’ve quit relying on ourselves.

Sometimes we block our intuition out of fear that we’ll make an irreparable mistake. But when we do this, we usually regret it. How many times have you told yourself, I knew that would happen! Why didn’t I listen to myself? I had a feeling I shouldn’t have trusted that person. Why did I?

Hunches are undeveloped intuition, so one step toward becoming more intuitive is to listen to your hunches. When you feel something percolating within yourself, stay with it. Follow where your hunch is leading you. Quiet yourself and ask, What is trying to reveal itself to me? I open myself to receiving it now. Then pause and breathe deeply into a state of relaxation. Don’t let your ego’s fear or hesitation take over and drown out your intuition. Be patient. If nothing comes into your awareness, stop and return to this practice later on.

Intuition and common sense are compatible, and both are necessary for making life-changing, life-enhancing decisions. I used to think I would become serene and confident by developing my intellect, so I pursued philosophy in college, reading all the right books and listening to lectures on the meaning of life. At the end of my education, I could “talk the talk,” but I hadn’t the slightest idea how to “walk the walk.” Since then, I’ve learned to tune in to and trust my intuitive guidance, and so can you. It’s already there within you—all you have to do is listen for it. Here’s an example of what happened to me after my divorce from my first husband.

I was newly divorced and was open to different types of experiences. I received a brochure in the mail promoting a spiritual conference in Washington, DC. Something about the event resonated with me. I kept the pamphlet and looked at it several times over the next few days. Each time, there was a “spark,” a connection, but I didn’t think much of it. I decided to attend the conference. I had not made a reservation because, by the time I decided to go, the deadline had passed. Nevertheless, my inner guidance wouldn’t leave me alone! Finally I thought, Okay, okay, I’ll go. And if I have to just turn around and drive home, it’s still okay. Well, you can guess the rest. Of course there was a room for me. I met amazing people who taught me how to deepen my medi tative practices, among other things. By going with my hunch to attend the conference, I used an important tool from my toolkit—my intuition.

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