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3 min read
John Gabriel’s transformative life story of losing weight and ultimately becoming a new man has sparked a healthy revolution. The success of his first book The Gabriel Method comes at no surprise, as the book shows us how to add back in the nutrients our bodies crave, and teaches us how to really listen to ourselves. The Gabriel Method can work for anyone and teaches people how to switch our self-destructive patterns to ones filled with health and joy. His book and additional products are truly some of the best we’ve seen to help those on a journey to sustainable weight loss.
We can’t just stop at the book! Fortunately, The Gabriel Method has multiple products anyone can access and use to stay on track.
Now for the first time, Jon Gabriel brings you a full recipe book packed with quick and easy 'Gabrielicious' recipes for the whole family.
Packed with recipes for gluten free, low GI, sugar free and rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids, protein, and life force vitality. Plus, free cooking video with Jon!
Morning and Evening Guided Visualizations
Visualization is one of the most powerful tools you have for tapping into your subconscious mind and creating change from the inside out.
A.M. Visualization (1 CD)
The morning visualization helps your body embrace the day energized, strong, firm, and toned. When you begin each morning with positive feelings of empowerment and affirmation, the effects on your life are profound. You'll discover your body and mind working synergistically to help you lose weight.
P.M. Visualization (2 CD)
Nighttime is a period of rest and rejuvenation and it's also a time of great transformation. Many people get into bed still stressed and anxious from their busy lives. Using this evening visualization program with its unique SMART Music, you'll quickly slip into SMART Mode (Super Mental Awareness Re-Education Training Mode) and become more open and receptive to change.
These audio programs are specifically designed for men. If you are feeling overwhelmed with work and family responsibilities, then these audio programs are designed specifically for you to get back in touch with your inner, masculine power.
Living Warrior Visualization (CD 1)
The Living Warrior guided visualization helps you connect with your masculine source energy. Live on purpose, with focus and drive. Tap into your source energy power so you can move through the day with clarity.
Eating for Vitality Lecture (CD 2)
The fundamental practice of The Gabriel Method is adding into your life the things you are lacking—in the case of nutrition, that often means "the big three." Listen and learn to Jon share his eating for vitality secrets. These ultra-practical tips will help you energize your body naturally.
These audio programs are specifically designed for women. If you're overstressed and feeling drained by your work and family commitments, then these audio programs are designed specifically for you.
Living Goddess (CD 1)
The Living Goddess guided meditation helps you connect with your feminine source energy. Learn to love yourself and others more deeply by energizing your subconscious using active visualization. In this empowered state of self-acceptance, you give your body permission to release excess weight.
SMART Music (CD 2)
SMART stands for Super Mental Awareness Re-Education Training, and the music contained in this program has been carefully designed using specific frequencies to put you in a receptive mental state where visualizations and affirmations are internalized rapidly.
As a parent, you want your children to have a healthy relationship with food—but often that's easier said than done. Join Jon Gabriel for this live seminar and learn how you can use The Gabriel Method to support your children emotionally and nutritionally as they grow.
Meditation for Kids (CD 1)
As a parent, you want your children to have a healthy relationship with food—but often that's easier said than done. Join Jon Gabriel for this live seminar and learn how you can use The Gabriel Method to support your children emotionally and nutritionally as they grow. You'll learn four keys to preventing obesity, how to deal with junk foods at school and at home, plus practical action steps you can use right away.
American Holistic Medical Association (CD 2)
Listen in on the original seminar that caught the attention and endorsements of the mainstream medical community. This live event is what sparked the international Gabriel Method movement—a truly revolutionary mind-body approach to weight loss.
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3 min read
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