What is a Soul Awakening?

2 min read

What is a soul awakening? Ask five people and you’ll get five very different answers, but similar among them will be an overwhelming feeling of peace, letting go, and accepting what the universe has given you, despite—or maybe because of—the struggles and traumas you may have faced to get there. Your Soul Awakening is the theme around which we’ve built our 2018 cruise, and for good reason. These days, everyone needs their peace restored, their passions reinvigorated, and their souls rejuvenated. On our ten-day voyage through the Caribbean, our dynamic speakers will inspire you to begin the process of healing past wounds and embracing the spirit that has lived inside you all along.

Cofounder of Sedona World Wisdom Days, Jerry Gilden likens our soul awakening to the self-awareness of our fellow creatures on Earth. “As we awake, we are able to cocreate a collective soul consciousness. As we do so, we can look to other creatures on our beautiful Earth for guidance and teaching. The snake knows very well its own soul essence. The deer knows its own soul essence. A deer does not try to become a snake and vice versa. Humans are in process of an ever-developing soul consciousness and, as such, we are in a constant state of awakening.”

According to Enneagram teacher and coach Rosemary Hurwitz, “Soul awakening is a gradual process in which you become aware of your essential self, which has been with you all along. It’s about remembering who you really are, who you came here to be. It is here that you are thriving, not just surviving.”

The very essence of awakening your soul involves realizing that you are rooted in spirit and always have been, no matter how much suffering has darkened your path. Intuition University founder Sara Wiseman describes soul awakening as a “state of awareness in which we expand beyond previous levels of consciousness. Whenever this happens—and it happens many times in a lifetime—it is an extraordinarily beautiful experience. When our awareness opens, everything becomes a miracle. We find it easy to be grateful for every little thing. When we’re in a state of soul awakening, guidance from the Universe is clear and direct. Life seems to flow effortlessly.”

Perhaps most importantly, says happiness expert and author Shannon Kaiser, “Soul awakening is to live from love. It is to live from your heart connected to your higher self—the Universe, God, spirit, and love. It is the art of allowing yourself to be who you are as you are emerging into your divine essence and beautiful glory.”

Clearly, no two perspectives on soul awakening are the same, but what they do share in common is a belief in the awakening of a spirit essence that has always lived within you, and your ability to rouse that spirit, even if it’s been dormant for quite some time.

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